Dr Razga co-founded Selecta Biotech with the aim to develop quality healthcare products that have the potential to redefine treatment outcomes.
Dr Razga has 25+ years of professional experience in oncology, with a biotechnology focus within the last decade. He is trained in Physical and Biomolecular chemistry with primary research interest in RNA structure and function. After working at the National Centre for Biomolecular Research (CZ) he became an associate at Bowling Green State University (Ohio, USA). Dr Razga then accepted a position at the Center of Molecular Biology and Gene Therapy (CZ), and later became a team leader at the Slovak Academy of Sciences with research focus in anticancer therapy.
Dr Razga Holds multiple awards including the Award of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and the Award of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and had been the recipient of the prestigious international Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship.